What are some books that help develop an entrepreneurial mindset?

saurabh kamble
1 min readFeb 23, 2020

There are many steps to understand this concept :

1) Start with Why : reason for your startup product or company

2) The 5am club :Understanding the concept cycle creativity and productivity . How can you be more productivity and take time to understand, its easy to extra ordinary as there is no more competition in that space.

3) Zero to one :understanding the step which make it zero to one , how companies like google and amazon work

4) The Everything Store Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon : how did this world of amazon has been build , the love for your customer how to make cheap product available to them, how to ruthless and kill your competition and convince your investors to trust him.

5) Deep Work and HyperFocus: Must to build something which world is missing now.

6) Why we Sleep: Never work long night be productive not killing your sleep cycles and use sleep to solve all complex problem of your product .

7) Power of subconscious Mind : Never bow down to negative thought my other or you own failure it help loop into the negative cloud.Fail improve analyse and retry again .

Hope this help my fellow entrepreneurs build creative product make world better place

cheers !!!



saurabh kamble

Full stack Developer In Love into Modern Javascript